At Western, we are committed to taking proactive measures to combat climate change and embrace a greener future by focusing on how we can limit the effect of our work practices, products, processes, services, and waste materials on the environment.
We are delighted with our recent investment in four new electric forklifts as they do not release any harmful pollutants and are more energy efficient that other types of forklifts. Without any internal combustion engines, electric forklifts are also quieter, and have lower vibrations levels, and are easier to maintain.
Net Zero Approach
At Western, we take our commitment to sustainability to the next level by embracing a net-zero approach. Our carbon reduction plan aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. This involves ongoing reviews of our Environmental Sustainability Policy and workshops for staff and supply chain members on carbon reduction best practices.
We continuously invest in updates to our manufacturing and office facilities, incorporating energy-efficient technologies, electric vehicles and solar panels. Our green suppliers for electricity and focus on material optimization further contribute to reducing our carbon footprint.
Build Better with Western: Get Started Today
Western’s industry certifications, quality standards, sustainable processes, single source supply chain approach and net-zero commitment demonstrate our dedication to building a better future for our clients and the environment. To discover the advantages of working with Western, contact us today to discuss your unique building requirements.